Hi all, here is a problem that has bothered me for some time: Some CMS, most notably Wordpress, seem to replace certain characters by a somewhat more expressive Unicode equivalent. For example, instead of " (double-quotes), the HTML source code will contain “ and ” which will be rendered as left-double-quote and right-double-quote respectively. I mostly use w3m which as far as I can tell should be able to display these characters, at least theoretically. the problem is that it does not work, which means I get things like ü and ý for the above two characters. This is very distracting when reading thext that contains many such characters. An example site is: http://dvorak.org/blog/ What do other w3m users get when reading these sites? I run emacs on the linux console. I use the "latin-1" language environment. I tried switching to utf-8 and enable multipyte support in emacs but it did not really solve the problem. However, things improved in so far as the characters were now correctly indentified by "describe-char". I use ViaVoice as tts. the fact that "describe-char" identifies the characters correctly might be a hint that the problem occurs on the way from the buffer to the tts. Today, I finally had enough of this problem and hacked together a fix that just replaces all those unicode characters by their ASCII equivalent just before the HTML is rendered by w3m. This is not a clean solution but fixes the problem temporarily. I noticed that w3 shows the problematic pages fine, i.e. the above two characters both appear as regular double-quotes. I could not determine if this replacement is performed by w3 or if this is a special emacspeak feature. If other people experience the same problem, I can post the pseudo-fix mentioned above. Best regards, Lukas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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