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Re: Emacspeak and i18n

David Picón Álvarez writes ("Emacspeak and i18n"):
> What's the state of emacspeak for languages other than English?

For a free (as in beer) tts, the only option I am aware of is
multispeech. I believe it supports 7 languages. It is somewhat hard to set up if you cannot use the
precompiled Debian packages provided by the Oralux project. The
packages also work on Ubuntu. At some point in the future, espeak may
become a free (as in freedom) alternative. I do not know how far the
work on the espeak driver for emacspeak has progressed.

As a commercial option, there is also ViaVoice which supports several
languages. It is hard to aquire though, if you do not want to buy the
$300 SDK.

The support for non-ASCII character sets in emacs itself appears to be
very good. Some parts of emacspeak however currently assume that you
are using english, thus there are some glitches here and there when
using another language. This could all be
fixed, but no body has stepped up to the tasked yet. One reason is
probably that most people, even if they need support for multiple
languages will still use English over 80 % of the time, and thus the
occasional imperfections are tolerable.

Best regards, Lukas

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