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Re: emacspeak-websearch-weather starts Galeon unless ...

"T. V. Raman" writes

    I'm very confused -- c-e?w 95123 returns the weather for san jose correctly

Differing formats!

I just tried your Zip code and got both the Area Forecast and the
table with Humidity, etc. from the United States weather bureau.
(No current temperature data.)

However, I also tried my Zip code, 01242, and did not see an Area Forecast. 
My Web page lacks the word `Area'.

The default URI, emacspeak-websearch-weather-uri,


works for me.  That is fine.

Also, in a Web browser, I can search for an input string from the
Eastern Regional Headquarters; I just change the srh to an erh.  When
I do that, I receive the same page.  There is no Area Forecast.

Perhaps, if the Web page lacks the word `Area' it should seek

    img alt="Detailed text forecast" 

and list forecasts from   Today:    through   </td>

rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx, I sent a message to blacklist_comcastnet.

Weirdly enough, I have never received those CCs of my messages to you
from gnu.org, although I have received others.


    Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    bob@xxxxxxxxxxx                         bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
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