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Re: patch for emacspeak-webutils.el

"T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Notice that when you did an svn update, those files are prefixed
> with "G" -- that indicates an abnormal situation.

The feeling I got from the svn docs was that after the update that the
changes were merged and everything was right again.  Should I wipe out
the svn tree again, rebuild, and reinstall?  When fetching an update, I
now get:

~/sourceforge $ svn checkout http://emacspeak.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ emacspeak
A    emacspeak/utils/googlecode-upload.py
U    emacspeak/lisp/.files
U    emacspeak/lisp/dectalk-voices.el
Checked out revision 4339.
~/sourceforge $ 

Does this mean things are correct?

Thanks, and sorry for the trouble,
Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

I understand why you're confused.  You're thinking too much.
		-- Carole Wallach.

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