So just finished reading the entire thing, great job! And apologies for the email message about "e a" and "e s", I typed that as soon as I read your paragraph on w3m and linearization. Additional tip on w3 slowness: If you turn on xslt all the time, and use either sort tables or identity.xsl then w3 rendering speeds up --- since a side-effect of doing the above is to create clean, balanced html and that relieves W3 of a lot of pain that it otherwise suffers in rendering badly authored html. Using sort-tables also speeds up rendering because rendering nested tables is really slow (in all browsers --- it's just more noticeable in Emacs/W3). Finally, there should be little to know repetition in functionality in the tools in emacspeak-url-template vs emacspeak-websarch. emacspeak-websearch has all the search engines you want; url template is slightly broader. Also, emacspeak-websearch came first (circa 1998) I believe url templates came around 2000. You could probably implement everything emacspeak-websearch as url templates, but I dont believe there are url templates that duplicate functionality in emacspeak-websearch to the best of my memory. -- Best Regards, --raman Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW: AIM: emacspeak GTalk: PGP: Google: tv+raman IRC: irc:// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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