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Re: [Fwd: Emacspeak with doubletalk LT. "process speaker not running" on gentoo]

I would highly recommend checking out espeak. It is a high quality free tts
engine and would provide a good solution which avoids the need for external
hardware to support emacspeak. As it looks like it will become a supported TTS
engine, it will likely stay more current than the double talk, which is still
good, but not part of emacspeak and therefore tends to lag a little behind when
any changes affecting the interface occur (though these are rare). 


> Thank you for the information. We are providing Emacspeak to students on 
> our Red Hat Linux lab machines at North Carolina State University and we 
> use doubletalk LT. here with it because they could still be purchased 
> from the manufacturer. This information might be useful to us when RHEL 5 
> comes out.
> (Running RHEL 4 this semester)
> Cheers,

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