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Re: tcl 8.4 and emacspeak

T. V. Raman writes ("Re: tcl 8.4 and emacspeak"):
> I cannot make these changes in the   source code because it will
> break things on many older systems.

As far as I can tell, these changes also work with tcl8.3.

I have been using these changes for some time now with tcl8.4 and
outloud. As far as stability is concerned, I would say that things are
about the same as with tcl8.3. One difference I have noticed is that
the outloud speech server thakes significantly longer to start  with
tcl8.4 than with tcl8.3. . We are talking maybe about 5 times longer.
This is not a big problem but it still surprised me. Also, it uses
about 30 percent more memory. 

Best regards, Lukas

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