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This is off-topic? perhaps.

Hi Raman,
T. V. Raman writes:
 > Run pdftotext when the --raw option

I guess you meant `with' the -raw option. Yes the result is much
better. No more lines with >1000 characters. But the disparity between
the answers provided by `C-x w' and `C-x l' is quite startling. But
since I can listen to the files with comfort and ease, I will not
pursue this point.

. In Emacspeak (out of svn)

I went through the folder where I store your mails to the list but
could not find any clues to how to get a "snapshot" from the S E N
repository. If it is on your blog don't bother to reply: I will track
it down.

Thanks for the help and lots beside!


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