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emacspeak and emacs 22 GTK bug?

Today I tried to install emacspeak on a machine where the default emacs is the
GTK version of emacs. However, there appears to be a problem with the advice
emacspeak provides for global-set-key. The system goes into an infinite loop on
startup and bombs out once the maximum eval depth has been exceeded. The
following backtrace is created 

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Lisp nesting exceeds `max-lisp-eval-depth'")
  ad-Orig-global-set-key([f7] planner-create-task-from-buffer)
  ad-Orig-global-set-key([f7] planner-create-task-from-buffer)
  ad-Orig-global-set-key([f7] planner-create-task-from-buffer)
  ad-Orig-global-set-key([f7] planner-create-task-from-buffer)
  ad-Orig-global-set-key([f7] planner-create-task-from-buffer)
  ad-Orig-global-set-key([f7] planner-create-task-from-buffer)

I've cut out most of the backtrace as its many many lines of this form. Its
weird to get this only with the GTK version of emacs 22. I've confirmed it
works perfectly with the non-GTK version. I've also confirmed the problem
doesn't occur when not running emacspeak and the GTK version. 

I looked at emacspeak and found that there is two sets of before advice being
created which appear to do the same thing. The first one in emacspeak-advice.el
is very straight forward and just provides spoken prompt for the interactive
use of global-set-key. The second one is a macro that is (I think) used to
achieve roughly the same thing, but in a more generic manner. It is in

Around 12 months ago or more, I did run emacs 22 GTK version with emacspeak
with no problems. So, I guess its either something that has changed in
emacspeak or the GTK version of emacs 22. 

I will overcome this problem by installing the standard emacs 22 version. I
just wanted to report this in case anyone else is thinking about trying the GTK
version and for Raman's reference. If someone already has a fix, I'd be
interested. However, as GTK doesn't really offer anything to me that the
standard version doesn't already provide, it falls into the category of low
priority IMO. I'm mainly reporting it so that there is a record in the archives
and just in case Raman is interested. It may become an issue in the future if
we begin to see either divergence between the X tolkit and GTK versions or if
distributions start to ship the GTK version by default. 

As both the GTK and X Toolkit versions of emacs 22 use the same elisp for
global-set-key, the problem must be something relating to the low level (i.e. C
level) bindings with the GTK libraries. This means there could be other areas
where emacspeak may have problems in the GTK version. 


Tim Cross

There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
understand and those who do not understand what they manage.

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