After mentioning newsticker in a previous post I got curious. It is included in emacs version 22, just in case anyone can't find it in their emacs. I couldn't get any output from the buffer. I could see text but did not get my magnifier out to see exactly what it said. I see that it uses "special" fonts (e.g. not the default fixed font I use) much like info. I could not even get lines to speak if I invoked emacspeak-speak-line. I have not tried to track down the issue. I only post this because I mentioned it before and now see that it is not working. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sunday morning. rdc -- Robert D. Crawford rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx Sometimes a man who deserves to be looked down upon because he is a fool is despised only because he is a lawyer. -- Montesquieu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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