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Re: Debian packages?

--text follows this line--
       I suppose I just need to learn how to use svn ...

Here is what I have in ~/how-to-emacspeak.  Because I run a checkout
so seldom, I run it in command interpreter or `shell'.  The word
`checkout' is jargon for a complete acquisition of the code.  The word
`shell' is another jargon word.  The idea is that a computer system is
like a physical seed with an internal kernel and an outer shell.

I update the code every day.  That is why I prefer to evaluate the
expressions in Emacs -- they do not take any time at all.  The word
`update' is jargon for synchronizing your and the other's code.

First, checkout: the following will create a directory called
emacspeak with the code under it.  The word `directory' is a jargon
term that I suspect comes from people people who lived in apartment
houses with listing of all the apartments at the entrance.  In some
operating systems, the business word `folder' is used as the jargon
instead.  You need to go to the level above where you plan to put the

    ## as a regular user in a Bourne Again Shell
    ## [Bourne wrote a shell called `sh'; some years later, Brian Fox
    ## wrote a better one called the `Bourne Again Shell', `bash']

    ### You will want to change the following line
       pushd /usr/local/src/
       ## remove previous Emacspeak, of any:  ## rm -rf emacspeak
       ## can take ten minutes; on 2007 May 11, it took 3.25 min
       time svn checkout http://emacspeak.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ emacspeak
       ## build Emacspeak
       time make -k config
       time make -k emacspeak
       time find . -name '*.el' -print | etags -
       time sudo make -k install

Second, update:  this is inside Emacspeak.  In goes into your
Emacspeak directory which will be a level below where you were before.

          (unless (fboundp 'vc-svn-update) (load "vc-svn"))
;;; You will want to change the following to match your local directory
          (cd "/usr/local/src/emacspeak/")
          (call-process "svn" nil '("*svn update information*" t) t "update")
          (pop-to-buffer "*svn update information*"))

;;; You will want to change the following to match your local directory
            (cd "/usr/local/src/emacspeak/")
            ;; the *compilation* buffer is usually smaller than 50k
            ;;     but may grow over 100k
            (compile "time make -k config && \
                      time make -k emacspeak && \
                      time find . -name '*.el' -print | etags - && \
                      time sudo make -k install"))

    ;; to see durations of the last compile ...
    (let ((this-buffer (current-buffer)))
      (pop-to-buffer "*compilation*") (re-search-forward "^real")
      (switch-to-buffer-other-window this-buffer))

And here is a shell script that creates an instance of Emacspeak that
uses eflite for speech generation.  Note that the command `/bin/sh'
evokes `bash' not `sh'.

# /usr/local/bin/emacspeak-eflite

export DTK_PROGRAM=/usr/local/bin/eflite
export DTK_TCL=/usr/local/bin/eflite

exec emacs -q --no-site-file                                          \
      -l /usr/local/src/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el             \
      --eval "(desktop-save-mode 0)"                                  \
      --eval "(setq frame-title-format '(\"Emacspeak eflite:  %b\"))" \
      --eval '(set-frame-name "Emacspeak eflite")'

### end /usr/local/bin/emacspeak-eflite

    Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    bob@xxxxxxxxxxx                         bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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