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SVN Version is broken!

I thought I would give the latest svn poll from yesterday Sat Jun 30 a
try and I'm getting "process speaker not running" when I try to use
espeak.  It so happens that when I try to select espeak, I get the
Symbol's value as variable is void: emacspeak-ssh-tts-server
What has ssh-tts-server got to do with espeak? the plain 26.0 version
worked ok as long as I grab the svn directory of linux-espeak and hack
the Makefile a bit.  Once the process speak not running occurs, I'm
stuck in emacs and can't do anything in it.  Even with Speakup
running, I can't even exit the program; I end up killing emacs from
another console.  I got dectalk to run ok but today it crashed and
then I got the dreaded "process speaker not running" error again.  At
least yesterday with the prod version of emacspeak, dtk-soft would
poop out but I could always restart again with c-e c-s.  I found
espeak to be extremely responsive and generally worked well with prod
version of espeak.  

Any ideas? Not sure where to go to fix the voide symbol.

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