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Re: problems with tonight's svn update

Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I think that when trying to enter longer input like a path to a file,
> the new behavior is not very efficient, because one has to wait a long
> time until the interesting new bit at the end of the input is
> read. Also, one can always do C-e l if one wants to hear the whole
> input.

I agree.  Perhaps, if this behavior is the intent, someone can create an
option to give either behavior.  

I mentioned in an earlier mail that I didn't get the message "region
containing x lines copied to kill ring".  I get this message in most
buffers but did not get it in the backtrace.  I also tend to run
fetchmail via M-! often when I resume my laptop from suspend.  I am no
longer getting the messages shell commands are sending to STDOUT.  I
tested this also with df and fortune and both hold true.

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

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