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Re: Playing Music from Dired

A lot of this is in fact not written up in the documentation.

Best way to find out is to interactively play with things and
discover how things work; no one reads documentation if you spend
time writing it in my experience;-)

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Steve> Well, I suppose I didn't get through enough docs
    Steve> <sigh>.  What I had read so far hadn't shown me that
    Steve> method.  I didn't know or realize that emacspeak was
    Steve> hooked into dired with extra keys.  I had mainly
    Steve> looked at emacspeak documentation, the summary for
    Steve> media-player and the key bindings after launching
    Steve> c-e;.  Glad to know that works with dired.  Guess I'll
    Steve> look at the keybindings for dired and see what
    Steve> emacspeak adds to that module.
    Steve> Thanks for the solution.
    Steve> On Fri, Aug 24, 2007 at 06:31:14AM -0700, T. V. Raman
    Steve> wrote:
    >> I suggest you investigate things before assuming
    >> things. C-e; on a dired-line plays the file under point.
    >> >>>>> "Steve" == Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx>
    >> writes:
    Steve> Yeah but I want to be able to scroll up and down a
    Steve> list (directory contents) and hit the enter key or
    Steve> similar to play the highlighted track.  The only thing
    Steve> I've managed to do with c-e ; is to pick a whole
    Steve> directory and then have mplayer play the entire list
    Steve> and I can then skip from track to track in there.  I'm
    Steve> also thinking of when I might be going through a
    Steve> directory of mixed files and come across an MP3 or ogg
    Steve> file and wonder what it has; I would like to be able
    Steve> to pop that track into mplayer from dired or something
    Steve> similar and hear it.
    Steve> At present, I can do this quite easily outside of
    Steve> emacs with Midnight Commander but thought it would be
    Steve> cool to set dired up to support this.  Is that
    Steve> possible? I hope this is perhapse clearer.
    Steve> On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 05:04:31PM -0700, raman wrote:
    >> >> Use C-e; -- and follow the documentation.
    Steve> -- HolmesGrown Solutions The best solutions for the
    Steve> best price!  http://holmesgrown.ld.net/
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    >> -- 
    >> Best Regards, --raman
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HolmesGrown Solutions The best solutions for the best price!
    Steve> http://holmesgrown.ld.net/
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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
AIM:    emacspeak       GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
Google: tv+raman 
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