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Re: [emacspeak The Complete Audio Desktop] Emacspeak Video Demo: Looking Up The W...

Mark, thanks for the feedback -- this is useful.

I'll add some additional text commentary based on what you've

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Plaksin <happy@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Mark> "T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >> Since most of the content that will be demonstrated in
    >> these videos is there on the Web, e.g. weather forecasts,
    >> I dont think I'll transcribe the spoken output.
    >> Also, you didn't tell me if you could see the visual part
    >> of the video.
    Mark> I can see it.  But not everything that I see is spoken
    Mark> so it's hard to tell what your experience is really
    Mark> like.  And I'm unable to match (even after listening
    Mark> many times) some of the speech to what I am seeing.
    Mark> I was hoping it would be easy to jam (er, place gently
    Mark> :) something like the Unix 'tee' command in there as
    Mark> text got sent to the TTS engine.
    Mark> Also FWIW, the audio seems to be a bit ahead of the
    Mark> video.  When I start to hear the weather being read it
    Mark> *looks* like you haven't finished telling Emacs to go
    Mark> and fetch the weather.
    Mark> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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