Ok, in the spirit of release very early, release often: Here is the mentioned Unicode patch for emacspeak. The ultimate purpose of this patch is to allow emacspeak to speak as many non-ascii characters as possible in a sensible way. Also, the idea is not to depend on special abilities of the TTs system for this. Currently the following should be noted: * Most likely only works properly with outloud . This can be fixed with moderate effort. * Only works completely for English. I do not see an easy way to fix this. * Only works in multibyte buffers. To get something out of this patch, you should probably do: (setq default-enable-multibyte-characters t) * Requires emacs 22 * You must download the unicode data file from the Unicode consortium: http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt See the documentation of the variable describe-char-unicodedata-file. You will then have to put something like the following into your .emacs file: (let ((x "~/emacs/UnicodeData.txt")) (when (file-exists-p x) (setq describe-char-unicodedata-file x))) The patch against todays emacspeak svn is at: http://homepage.hispeed.ch/loehrer/downloads/unicode-patch-20071003.diff For testing here is a text file that contains some interesting non-ascii characters: http://homepage.hispeed.ch/loehrer/downloads/unicode-test.txt If you can read the square root symbol on line 3, things are working. Best regards, Lukas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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