When using newer versions of Emacspeak note that there is a makefile.tcl8.3 that sets the appropriate flags. At some point I'll get things to work under tcl 8.4 -- probably in about another year, when older systems have completley disappeared. >>>>> "Greg" == Greg Priest-Dorman <priestdo@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Greg> Hi Folks, I just purchased ttsynth and moved my Greg> emacspeak setup to use it. I thought I would document Greg> what I did for others. If I recal this is the same Greg> procedure we did on debian systems in the past to work Greg> with outloud but I did not see it on the list unless I Greg> looked back quite a few years so I thought I would make Greg> a post of it. Greg> Greg> It basicaly comes down to 2 changes to a Makefile and 2 Greg> changes to my .bashrc. Greg> Greg> I am currently running emacspeak version 24 on an Greg> xubuntu system that is now running 7.10 but started Greg> life much earlier. I had been running dtk-soft as my Greg> synthesizer. I am using tcl8.3. Greg> Greg> First of course I purchased ttsynth online. I requested Greg> my ttsynth package to be in deb format and downloaded Greg> it. Greg> Greg> I installed the package with the command: Greg> Greg> sudo dpkg -i ttsynthcore-1.0-i386.deb Greg> Greg> I had no dependency problems with the install. Some Greg> are warned about in the README file. If you have any Greg> you will of course need to install any missing Greg> packages. Greg> Greg> Next I went to do the "make" in Greg> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/linux-outloud Greg> Greg> There were a few problems. I needed 2 packages I did Greg> not already have on this system, tcl8.3-dev and Greg> libtool, so I installed them with the command: Greg> Greg> sudo apt-get install tcl8.3-dev libtool Greg> Greg> I also had to edit the Makefile (version 24.0 ) in the Greg> linux-outloud directory in 2 places. Greg> Greg> I added "-I/usr/include/tcl8.3" to the end of the Greg> CFLAGS line so it would find tcl.h and on the LIBS line Greg> I changed "-ltcl" to read "-ltcl8.3" which if I recal Greg> is a debian thing. When done those 2 lines were now: Greg> Greg> CFLAGS= -g -O2 -fPIC -DPIC -pedantic -ansi -Wall Greg> -I/usr/include/tcl8.3 LIBS= -ltcl8.3 -ldl Greg> Greg> With these changes in place I could then compile in Greg> that directory with the command: Greg> Greg> sudo make Greg> Greg> and all went fine. Greg> Greg> I then made final 2 changes, both to my ~/.bashrc file. Greg> Greg> I had to add to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH the location of the Greg> IBM libraries. I did that by adding the following line Greg> to the end of my .bashrc: Greg> Greg> export Greg> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/IBM/ibmtts/lib Greg> Greg> and finaly, I changed my DTK_PROGRAM line in my .bashrc Greg> to read: Greg> Greg> export DTK_PROGRAM=outloud Greg> Greg> Of course you may use a different one of the outloud Greg> servers. That is what I use. My .bashrc is sourced by Greg> my .bash_profile, if yours is not you may need to make Greg> these changes there as well (or instead). Greg> Greg> With these changes in place, after sourceing the Greg> .bashrc file with the command: Greg> Greg> . ~/.bashrc Greg> Greg> I could run the outloud server directly with the tcl Greg> command: Greg> Greg> tcl Greg> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/outloud Greg> Greg> and having confirmed that worked I went on to run Greg> emacspeak. It came up speaking with the ttsynth voice. Greg> Greg> One additional note for those new to ttsynth or Greg> outloud. It does its speaking rate math differntly Greg> from some of the other synthesizers. If like me you Greg> listen in the 400 - 525 range on a dectalk, try 85 - Greg> 110 or so with outloud. Greg> Greg> Hope this helps, Greg> Greg> -Greg Greg> Greg> -- Greg> Greg> Greg Priest-Dorman priestdo@xxxxxxxxxxx Greg> Greg> Greg> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your Greg> address on the emacspeak list send mail to Greg> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of Greg> "unsubscribe" or "help" -- Best Regards, --raman Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW: http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/ AIM: emacspeak GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx PGP: http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc Google: tv+raman IRC: irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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