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compile error on emacspeak-26.0 (error 2)

I get the same compile error after make on Mac OSX 10.4 and cygwin
under windows XP

While compiling toplevel forms in file emacspeak-url-template.el:
  !! File error (("Cannot open load file" "url"))

This excerpt is from cygwin:

test -f  lisp/emacspeak-loaddefs.el || make config
cd lisp; make  SRC=/cygdrive/d/home/jwise/emacspeak-26.0
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/home/jwise/emacspeak-26.0/lisp'
emacs -batch -q -no-site-file   -eval '(setq vc-handled-backends nil)'  -l /cygd
rive/d/home/jwise/emacspeak-26.0/lisp/emacspeak-load-path.el -l /cygdrive/d/home
/jwise/emacspeak-26.0/lisp/emacspeak-loaddefs.el -l /cygdrive/d/home/jwise/emacs
peak-26.0/lisp/emacspeak-cus-load.el  -f batch-byte-compile emacspeak-url-templa
While compiling toplevel forms in file /cygdrive/d/home/jwise/emacspeak-26.0/lis
  !! File error (("Cannot open load file" "url"))
make[1]: *** [emacspeak-url-template.elc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/home/jwise/emacspeak-26.0/lisp'
make: *** [emacspeak] Error 2


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