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emacspeak on cygwin?

John Wise recently asked about compiling emacspeak on cygwin.  I'm
curious to know how you get emacspeak working under cygwin.  I have a
machine at home running xp and jaws .  I've installed cygwin and I use
it to do tasks that are apparently impossible under windows.  
Last night I downloaded and installed emacs-22.1. I checked out
emacspeak from svn.  I got through the make config and make steps with
no errors.
What steps do you take from here?
What speech server do you use under cygwin?
Assuming you get everything installed, then what?  Do you turn off your
screen reader and run "emacspeak -e" from a commandline?

John J Morgan
Center For Languages, Cultures, and Regional studies
745 Brewerton Road
West Point, New York, 10996
Phone: 845-938-5329
Email: john.morgan@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cell: 914-382-6925
Fax: 845-938-3585

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