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Re: Potential conflict between emacspeak with hardware synth and Orca

I dont know. There shouldn't be anything else that they should be
sharing. I dont run emacs under X when ORCA is running because
ORCA keeps trying to talk and makes things unusable.

>>>>> "David" == David E Price <deprice@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    David> Hi, Thanks for the suggestion of a work around. I have
    David> been trying to run both in an X session. However, the
    David> piece of information that I forgot to provide is that
    David> I can run both emacspeak and Orca together under X if
    David> both are using a software synthesizer--this is working
    David> on a different machine.  On the machine where the
    David> conflict is occurring, I have not compiled any
    David> software synthesizers, since I have the DECTalk
    David> Express attached. I admit that I don't know the code
    David> of either program.  However, as I see it, if Orca
    David> wants to keep on talking after emacs has focus, that
    David> should continue unimpaired through the software
    David> synthesizer while emacspeak sends its output to the
    David> DECTalk Express. Therefore, I don't see how the two
    David> programs would get into contention over resources and
    David> cause the freeze.  Are there other resources that both
    David> programs might be trying to use that could lead to
    David> contention? Or, are there other things that you can
    David> think of that would cause the freeze?
    David> Thanks,
    David> dave
    David> From: "T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject:
    David> Potential conflict between emacspeak with hardware
    David> synth and Orca
    >> 1) Are you running Emacspeak at the console or under X?
    >> If doing the latter, things are well-night impossible
    >> because orca does not fall silent when emacs has focus.
    >> The simplest thing to do is to run emacspeak on a virtual
    >> console, and run ORCA under X --- switch to the virtual
    >> console running Emacs when you want to use
    >> emacspeak. Things work in this configuration which is how
    >> I use it.
    >>>>>>> "David" == David E Price <deprice@xxxxxxxxxxx>
    >>>>>>> writes:
    David> Hi, I'm running Ubuntu Gutsy and trying to run both
    David> emacspeak and Orca. I want to use my DECTalk Express
    David> with emacspeak and a software synth with
    David> Orca. However, if I have both Orca and emacspeak
    David> running and try to switch between emacs and another
    David> application, everything freezes. I either have to use
    David> a remote machine to kill emacspeak or Orca, or I have
    David> to restart the X server. This problem also occurs if I
    David> am using the emacspeak speech server inside Orca--in
    David> effect, both programs are using the DECTalk Express.
    David> Is anyone successfully using emacspeak with a hardware
    David> synthesizer and Orca?  If so, any suggestions for
    David> working around my problem?
    David> Thanks,
    David> dave
    >> -- 
    >> Best Regards, --raman
    >> Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW:
    >> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/ AIM: emacspeak GTalk:
    >> tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx PGP:
    >> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc Google:
    >> tv+raman IRC: irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs
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To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on
    David> the emacspeak list send mail to
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Best Regards,

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