hi gilles, and all the great hackers of emacspeak. I am Krishnakant from india. Gilles, I dug up my emails today and I found out that you have worked quite a lot on making emacspeak work with espeak. T.V. Raman has also done some heavy work as usual. now my question is, is there a howto for compiling the latest version of emacspeak to work with espeak? I tried searching on google but did not get complete answers. I am using ubuntu 7.10 and I already have espeak on my machine. it is the latest one too. I have compiled espeak from source. now I would either like to apt-get necessary packages for emacspeak and ones required for espeak to work with it. I tried doing it but did not work. for example when I tried apt-get install emacspeak, it did ring up the configuration interface. it did ask me all the questions. all else went fine untill the synthesizer port. I can't find out which poart needs to be provided as an answer to that question. if you or some one can give me the anser then I can get emacspeak work with espeak. and may be I am missing some packages which need to be installed on a debian like system. if this is not working and is a known bug then please tell me if there is some documentation on how to compile emacspeak to work with espeak (espeak already installed on the machine ). regards, Krishnakant. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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