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Re: Loving Emacspeak thus far

    If you need to write documents, try using LaTeX instead of a word

Instead of LaTeX, try Texinfo for a format that uses @ or
DebianDoc for a format that uses < and >.

You can produce LaTeX as an output format from which you can print.

In Texinfo, you can readily create seven output formats from a single
source file directly:  Info, plain text, HTML, DVI, PDF, DocBook, and
XML with a Texinfo DTD.

Using dvips, html2rtf.pl, and rtf2latex, you can create PostScript and
RTF in two steps and LaTeX in three steps.  (You would use a shell or
Emacs Lisp script for this.)

You can convert DebianDoc to Texinfo or convert that format directly
to several output formats.

As far as I know, Texinfo comes with Emacspeak.  But maybe not.  I
obtain Texinfo tarballs from gnu.org.

This is from old notes; I am up to version 4.11

    pushd /usr/local/src
    wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/texinfo/texinfo-4.8.tar.bz2
    #  1,521,822 bytes

According to very old notes, you can obtain CVS from Savannah:


In any case, in Debian you can install either with:

    apt-get install texinfo -s
    apt-get install debiandoc-sgml debiandoc-sgml-doc -s

That may be preferable.  (The `-s' is for `simulation' which I do when
I am not sure.)

To print, you may need (I am not sure)

    apt-get install libkpathsea-dev multex-base multex-bin -s

To compile the sources, you may need (I am not sure)

    apt-get install tetex-src -s

Some years ago, and most likely in the present, too, since DebianDoc
and Texinfo produce high resolution printable documents, low
resolution printable and listenable documents, and high and low
resolution online documents, either of which are listenable in
Emacspeak, the input formats are more limited than an input format
that only produces high resolution printable documents.  Fifteen years
ago, that included an Emacs mode for writing LaTeX.  As far as I know,
that also includes recent, but not twenty-five year old, word

Fortunately, for writing both non-fiction documents and fiction, I
have not seen any limitations in Texinfo in over twenty years.
Besides tables of contents, indices, and images, you can put in
footnotes and headers.  You can write poetry.

I prefer a template for new Texinfo documents since I tend to carry a
huge amount of boiler plate from one to the next.  For example, I
include how to view a high resolution document as it will print and
how to listen to the same document in a different output format.

    Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    bob@xxxxxxxxxxx                         bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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