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Re: pulseaudio

Tomas Cerha <cerha@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I believe that PulseAudio may bring new qualities for the end users once
> the problems get sorted out by developers and distributions.
... snip ...
> I may only add that interoperability of different ATs was one of the
> main aims of the Speech Dispatcher project

I hope you're correct about pulseaudio!  Personally, I've wasted entirely
too much of my life trying to get a small collection of TTS and audio
apps to play nicely together using my sound hardware, and this seems
to be the problem that pulseaudio is trying to solve.
A solution like pulseaudio also sounds attractive
because of its portability.  Pulseaudio isn't tied to Linux.

Has anyone thought about building a bridge between Emacspeak
and Speech Dispatcher?  I.E., a program that reads the Emacspeak
speech server commands from stdin and translates them into SSIP
messages for Speech Dispatcher?

-- Chris

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