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Re: eflite - "Process speaker not running"

The variable is now DTK_PROGRAM, so you should set that in place of DTK_TCL. Also, the eflite 0.4.1 INSTALL specifies this, so perhaps you are using an older version.

-- Mike Gorse / AIM:linvortex / http://mgorse.freeshell.org --

On Thu, 31 Jan 2008, Pawel K wrote:


I try to launch emacspeak with eflite.
Unfortunately I cannot hear anything.
I receive the following information in an emacspeak

Loading cl-macs...done
Loading emacspeak...
Loading cl-extra...done
Loading byte-opt...done
Loading emacspeak...done
Loading voice-setup...done
Loading voice-setup...done
Loading replace...
ad-handle-definition: `occur-mode-goto-occurrence' got
dtk-pause: Process speaker not running

I tested eflite directly and along with yasr - it
works correctly in both cases.

My emacspeak.conf looks like (as described in eflite's
INSTALL file):
export DTK_TCL=/usr/bin/eflite

I use emacs-22.1-r2 and emacspeak-24 on gentoo.

Could You give me some indications of how to solve
this issue.

thanks in advance

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