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Re: Aster

what is aster?

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On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:35 AM, Alastair Irving wrote:


I was able to get the source a couple of years ago by contacting someone
at Cornell  and providing them with a signed copyright agreement.
However, I haven't actually got it working as I don't have an external
dectalk and haven't had time to try and modify it to use some sort of
software synth.

Alastair Irving

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Lorenzon [mailto:devel@xxxxxxxxxxx-nageoire.net]
Sent: 03 March 2008 10:17
To: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Aster

Hi All,

Sorry if this question already apeared several times and if it is not
really in the scope of this list. Does it exists an implementation of
Aster that may run (under linux for instance
?) What is the Copyright status of the code ?

I had a brief look at Aster page but saw only explanations and demos but
no code. Sorry if I looked too briefly !



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