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Re: start emacspeak silently

First off, I do not see the behavior you're seeing.
If you want further help, you need to be clear, crisp, and avoid
shouting/yelling -- I'll ignore the rest of this thread if that

Settings like line-echo word-echo are for different purposes, see
the relevant docs.

You also need to be clear about what TTSengine you're using etc. 

>>>>> "Pawel" == Pawel K <pawlaczus@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >> Sorry, but once that that is what dtk-toggle-quiet does.
    Pawel> Thank You for an answer.  It is even worse.  Invoking
    Pawel> dtk-toggle-quiet explicitly does not make emacspeak to
    Pawel> be silent.  It speaks "indent <cursor position>".  I
    Pawel> think it is because my configuration: (global-set-key
    Pawel> "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent) It looks like a kind of
    Pawel> bug.
    Pawel> The same is with another settings in my ~/.emacs file
    Pawel> like: (setq emacspeak-line-echo nil) (setq
    Pawel> emacspeak-word-echo nil)
    Pawel> They cover only the first buffer after emacs starts.
    Pawel> I think when user specifies this in his configuration
    Pawel> file he does not expect it to work for the first
    Pawel> buffer only after launching emacs but permanently for
    Pawel> all buffers. It is until he turns it on with explicit
    Pawel> command.
    >> From my point of view none of those settings described
    Pawel> in this thread work correctly.
    Pawel> PS: sorry for beeing so grumpy.  I like emacs a lot
    Pawel> and hope will like emacspeak as well. It seems to be a
    Pawel> bit too talkative to me that's why I want to customize
    Pawel> it.
    Pawel>       ____________________________________________________________________________________
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    Pawel> fast with Yahoo! Search.
    Pawel> http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping
    Pawel> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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