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error in google searching

First the versions:

GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu) of 2008-04-15 on t40

emacspeak "27.0 Revision 5560M"

When trying to do a google search via either C-e u google hits  or C-e ?
i, I get the below backtraces. Other than doing upgrades to the versions
of both emacs and emacspeak nothing has changed.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable emacspeak-webutils-google-suggest)
  (list (emacspeak-webutils-google-autocomplete) current-prefix-arg)
  call-interactively(emacspeak-websearch-dispatch nil nil)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable emacspeak-webutils-google-suggest)
  #[(g) "Å	;? \nÆH?Ç	!?\"Ç	!ÈÉÊ#)?\"	 \nËHD)?" [input g ut str emacspeak-url-template-current-ut nil 7 read-from-minibuffer mapconcat #[... "ÁU?Â?ÃY?ÄX?,ÅY? ÆX?,ÇY?0ÈX?0É!?ÊË\"??" [c 32 "+" 97 122 65 90 48 57 char-to-string format "%%%02x"] 3] "" 1] 4](emacspeak-webutils-google-autocomplete)
  mapcar(#[(g) "Å	;? \nÆH?Ç	!?\"Ç	!ÈÉÊ#)?\"	 \nËHD)?" [input g ut str emacspeak-url-template-current-ut nil 7 read-from-minibuffer mapconcat #[... "ÁU?Â?ÃY?ÄX?,ÅY? ÆX?,ÇY?0ÈX?0É!?ÊË\"??" [c 32 "+" 97 122 65 90 48 57 char-to-string format "%%%02x"] 3] "" 1] 4] (emacspeak-webutils-google-autocomplete #[nil "?" [emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results] 1]))
  emacspeak-url-template-url([cl-struct-emacspeak-url-template "Google Hits" "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&num=%s"; (emacspeak-webutils-google-autocomplete #[nil "?" [emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results] 1]) nil "Only show Google hits." #[(url) "ÁÂÃ#?" [url emacspeak-we-extract-by-class "g" speak] 4] nil])
  emacspeak-url-template-open([cl-struct-emacspeak-url-template "Google Hits" "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&num=%s"; (emacspeak-webutils-google-autocomplete #[nil "?" [emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results] 1]) nil "Only show Google hits." #[(url) "ÁÂÃ#?" [url emacspeak-we-extract-by-class "g" speak] 4] nil])
  call-interactively(emacspeak-url-template-fetch nil nil)

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

You have an unusual magnetic personality.  Don't walk too close to
metal objects which are not fastened down.

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