Hi All, just in case anyone out there is interested in common lisp as a programming language (note that it is not the same as emacs lisp, but they are both 'lisps'), there is a new book by Doug Hoyte which Doug is planning to make available electronically. He has put together a text based version and asked on the comp-lang-lisp group if any emacspeak users were interested in trying it out. The URL is http://letoverlambda.com/textmode.cl It looks like an interesting book for anyone interested in more advanced common lisp features, paticularly strong on macros and domain specific languages, closures etc. Its certainly not a beginners book, but if your an intermediate lisp programmer and have read books like Paul Grahame's On Lisp, you will probably finid it very interesting. I contacted Doug to ask if he was going to make the book available electronically and when he found out I was an emacspeak user (he was aware of emacspeak) he immediately made a text version that doesn't use javascript like the other partially on-line version. As his response was so positive and supportive of programmers who rely on assistive technology, I thought I'd let the list know and encourage anyone with an interest along these lines to have a look at it and give him some feedback. regards, Tim ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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