Hi Raman, if I guess it correctly, the current value of 0.02 seconds is chosen as slightly less than 0.023 seconds which is 256/11025, which would be the period time with a period size of 256 samples. The idea would then be that after waiting for this amount of time, there will be space in the buffer for another chunk of samples. Tweaking parameters in the .asoundrc file or the above value might work indeed, I am still somewhat puzzled how the alsa upgrade could make this problem so much worse. On the topic of sound subsystems, I am considering to give the recently GPL-ed OSS 4.0 [1] a try. I still find alsa pretty difficult to code for especially because the docs are so sparse. Also, I very much dislike the often required fiddling with the .asoundrc settings to get decent behavior. I do not know if OSS 4 is better in this respect, but it might be worth a try on machines where alsa cannot be persuaded to deliver usable results. The OSS API is certanly much simpler than alsa's and software mixing is supported as well. Best regards, Lukas [1] http://developer.opensound.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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