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looking for best quality software synthetizer for emacspeak.

Hello Mitchell,
Michal writes:
 > Hallo Group Members
 > In my opinion, this is eflite_alsa, but unfortunatelly with my fc9 I have problems with it.
 > (See: https://www.emacspeak.org/VCCS-archive/2008/msg00298.html).
I am currently using eflite (adapted for alsa by  Lucas Lohrer.)
However since my flite is not alsa enabled, I get a warning at the end
 > of  a `dmesg' that flite uses the obsolete OS for sound. Is your
 > `eflite_alsa
something different: more precisely, does your version of flite use
 > alsa also?

If the answer is positive, I'd appreciate a link from where I can get

BTW, I quite agree with you about the quality of eflite as compared
with the voice supplied by the ynth server.

Thanks in advance.

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