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Re: espeak question and heads-up

"Robert D. Crawford" <rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I have a question I've not been able to find an answer to.  When reading
> through text, both brackets and parenthesis are spoken as left or right
> bracket.  If moving point over the character, it is spoken left or right
> paren for the parenthesis and left or right bracket for the brackets.

Emacspeak escapes certain special delimiter characters before sending
them to the TTS server.  Look at dtk-fix-brackets from the file
lisp/dtk-speak.el if you're curious.  The opening and closing square
brackets are replaced with "left bracket" and "right bracket".
Unfortunately, these are the names that ESpeak uses for parentheses.  There
is a disagreement about how to pronounce punctuation.

Here are some proposed solutions.  Can you specify custom pronunciations
within ESpeak itself?  If so, then tell it to pronounce ( and ) as "left
paren" and "right paren".  If that can't be done right now, then we
might consider asking the author of ESpeak for such a feature.  A second
possibility is to escape parentheses.  This could be done in one of two
places: dtk-fix-brackets, or the "clean" procedure from servers/espeak.

PS. I can't really test the ESpeak server these days, as I just switched
distributions.  I don't have a usable tclx package.  So I'm back to
using the trusty eflite server.  Thanks very much to Mike Gorse, Lukas
Loehrer, and anyone else who has worked on eflite.

-- Chris

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