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Re: New to Emacspeak and Emacs

I'd also recommend checking EMACSPEAK_DIR/servers/linux-espeak. If there's not a file in there named tclespeak.so, you wouldn't get any speech from Espeak's speech server. In my experience, distribution packagers don't compile this for you in some cases. You just need to go in there and run either "make" or "make -f makefile.tcl83" as appropriate. There may be a line in the .c file which throws an error: I believe it's 598? Change "char" on that line to "const char", using Vi or some other editor and rerun the make command if needed. After that, you don't need to do anything with the tclespeak.so file. Just leave it where it lies and try the espeak server again.
Hope this helps,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lukas Loehrer" <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Erik Heil" <eheil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: New to Emacspeak and Emacs

Try running the espeak speech server from the console and see if you
get any interesting error message. The server is located in


Not sure where emacspeak is installed by the binary package but you can find out with

dpkg -L emacspeak

Best regards, Lukas

Erik Heil writes ("New to Emacspeak and Emacs "):
Also, on this particular box, I ran emacpseakconfig as root and selected
Espeak as the Emacs speech server, however, it doesn't work at all.
I can,
however, verify that Espeak functions perfectly.  e.hg. if I pipe some
text to the espeak binary, we do get speech.  Any help would be greatly

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