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Re: Distro List 2009

David Ring wrote:
> Looking around the Internet I see a beautifully done list of
> distributions that include and support emacspeak, but it is quite
> dated as it was done in 2001.
> 1) Is there a Live Linux Distro that has all the files for emacspeak
> installed so I can finally see it work!
GRML definitely used to include a working emacspeak but I haven't used
the more recent versions.
> 2) Is there a regular distro that has emacspeak installed in it working?
> Or - is there a distro that has no problems with emacspeak.
Its quite difficult to get emacspeak to install directly from a package
manager and work directly because of the need to compile a speech
server.  Ubuntu has a emacspeak package but it is not the current
version.  I have successfully installed emacspeak from svn on Ubuntu but
I needed various patches and alterations to the speech server to get it
to compile.

I've also found emacspeak on gentoo to be fairly easy to get going, (the
gentoo ebuild for it is kept reasonably up-to-date and contains the
necesary patches to compile the speech servers without much difficulty).



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