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Emacspeak on Ubuntu 8.10: best way to go about it?

Hi David,

David Picón Álvarez writes:
 > Hi, list,
 > I've got an install of Ubuntu 8.10. Although I've had an interest in emacs 
 > and emacspeak for a long time until now I never managed to make the time to 
 > learn it properly. Anyway, what is the best way to go about getting a 
 > functional emacspeak on this distro? Use distro packages? Install emacspeak 
 > from source? Is the emacs available on the distro the right choice, or 
 > should I also install emacs on my own? 

I have, with the help of a sighted friend installed Emacspeak,
successfully on a ubuntu8/04 installation.

My chief criterion was to get it working as fast as possible: this
affected some of my decisions. So I'll just tell you what I (and my
friend) did. Once ubuntu got installed, we installed
Emacs22 using aptget or rather aptfast (which is aptget speeded up
with an accelerator script.)
The Emacspeak which comes with most distros are woefully out-of-date
so we did not even bother about this.

2. install flite and eflite using aptfast. 
This is not the best possible TtS  engine since it does not support
voice-lock. However I had been using it with my FC3 installation and
did not want to struggle with the building of speech servers for
Espeak or ViaVoice when my Emacs was mute.
Everything worked out fine and maybe now I'll try to be adventurous
about using Espeak or ViaVoice.

3. Built emacspeak from sources --- again no problem. I was
   conservative and installed the version with number 1 less than the
   current one. This has been my policy for 5 years or more. I cannot
   afford to suffer injuries from the bleeding edge of progress!

> How about X or console: does it make  a difference

Of course it does! Most listers, I am sure use Emacspeak on the
console. I _must_ use it under X because I have only one hand. The
`Sticky Keys' feature of the gnome Desktop allows me to do the 
\C+ and \M + keychords effortlessly. Without this feature I would not
be able to use Emacs.

If you work on a console,  you will be using less resources and
probably have a faster Emacspeak at your fingertips --- the choice is yours.

Hope this answers most of your questions; I don't think 8/04 and 8/10
would be vastly different from the Emacspeak perspective.
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