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Re: Emacspeak on Ubuntu 8.10: best way to go about it?

Just a couple of corrections....

The error message, as Chris says, indicates that the TTS cannot find
the necessary shared library. However, the solution is a little out. 

The IBM ViaVoice uses a file called eci.ini, which tells it where to
find various additional files and shared libraries. One problem you
can have is due to the fact that there is a default eci.ini file
within the linux-outloud directory. Unfortunately, this eci.ini file
is from an old version of ViaVoice where the installation paths are a
little different. Also, some of the library file names can be
different depending on the language version of ViaVoice you purchased
i.e. the US English version and the UK english version have different

There are two ways to solve the problem that are quite easy. Firstly,
you can set another environment variable that states where the eci.ini
file is located. This is my preferred method. I have 

export ECIINI=/var/opt/IBM/ibmtts/cfg/eci.ini

or you can copy /var/opt/IBM/ibmtts/cfg/eci.ini into the linux-outloud

Originally, I used to have to add the necessary LD_LIBRARY_PATH
values, but I've found it is no longer necessary and haven't done so
for quite a while now. 



Chris Brannon writes:
 > David Ring writes:
 > > Sometimes this is given as the lines to add to /etc/profile
 > > export DTK_PROGRAM DTK_PROGRAM=name of speech server
 > > 
 > Realize that the following two invocations are entirely equivalent:
 > Invocation 1:
 > export DTK_PROGRAM=whatever
 > Invocation 2:
 > DTK_PROGRAM=whatever
 > export DTK_PROGRAM
 > A shell variable does not become an environment variable until you export
 > it, and there are two equivalent ways to do so.
 > Invocation 1 is a bit more compact.
 > > But no matter what variation I try in the /etc/profile file, I still
 > > get this error:
 > > 
 > > /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers# tcl outloud
 > > Language Library not opened: enu50.so: cannot open shared object file:
 > You are within a hair's breadth of success.  The error messages tell me
 > that the outloud speech server  can't find Outloud's
 > shared libraries.
 > First we need to determine the location of enu50.so.
 > Type "locate enu50.so", and you should get a response like:
 > /opt/IbmTTS/lib/enu50.so
 > For the sake of explanation, I'll assume enu50.so is under
 > /opt/IbmTTS/lib.
 > Replace that path with a different one if necessary.
 > Now we'll modify your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so that the speech server can
 > find enu50.so.  Add the following to /etc/profile, or put it in your
 > personal profile.
 > if [ -z $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ]
 > then # LD_LIBRARY_PATH is empty, add one directory.
 > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/IbmTTS/lib
 > else # prepend a directory to the path
 > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/IbmTTS/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
 > fi
 > Log out and log in, so that the changes take effect.
 > Hopefully, it will work.
 > Good luck,
 > -- Chris
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