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[Fwd: Re: Problems setting up emacspeak with espeak (or eflite)]

Tim Cross wrote:

Something else I should have mentioned. There is a ubuntu based
distribution that is specifically targeted at blind and vision
impaired. It was called vibuntu, but they have changed their name
recently (can't remember what the new name is just now). It comes
configured with gnome and the Orca screen reader. Nice thing about it
is that you can boot from the CD or usb stick and have speech as soon
as you login. I initially used it to load a ubuntu system as it
allowed me to get up and running without a sighted user helping. It
still has some rough edges, but is pretty good. One area with good
potential is to have it on a usb stick, which you can carry and boot
any system and have a speech enabled setup quickly and relatively

I think you're referring to vinux from http://vinux.org.uk/. I heard about it the other day, downloaded the ISO image but haven't had a chance to play with it yet.



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