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Re: Error Cannot open load file: descr-text while trying to compile emacspeak 30.0 on cygwin

On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 10:36:24AM -0400, Jared Stofflett wrote:
> I get a Cannot open load file: descr-text error while trying to
> compile emacspeak 30.0 on cygwin. How can I fix this. The relivant
> output of my make command is below.
Out of curiosity, what speech server were you planning on using under
Cygwin?  I've never got one to work propperly.

Regarding your error, have you checked whether the file exists?  On my
Arch Linux system running emacs 23.1 it is in 


> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jared/src/emacspeak-30.0/lisp'
> emacs -batch -q -no-site-file   -eval '(setq vc-handled-backends nil byte-compil
> e-warnings t)'  -l ".."/lisp/emacspeak-load-path.el -l ".."/lisp/emacspeak-loadd
> efs.el -l ".."/lisp/emacspeak-cus-load.el -l ".."/lisp/g-client/g-load-path.el
> -f batch-byte-compile acss-structure.el
> Cannot open load file: descr-text
> make[1]: *** [acss-structure.elc] Error 255
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jared/src/emacspeak-30.0/lisp'
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