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Problem with latest svn

So examining what you're seeing:

(relevant lines appended at the end)

Here's what the build rule is doing;
it's echoing a comment to the file, then generating it.
It's loading the file in the process which should be benign -- but
perhaps not in your case --- we need to find out why.

But to isolate the problem, run this command and see if it succeeds --
examine emacspeak-loaddefs.el before and after. Also, try the command
after removing file emacspeak-loaddefs.el

emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -l ./emacspeak-autoload.el  -f


On 8/30/09, Alastair Irving <alastair.irving@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All
> I've just updated to the latest subversion, (revision 6222).  However, when
> I do make config I get the following output:
> cd etc; make config  #SRC=/home/alastair/emacspeak
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/alastair/emacspeak/etc'
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/alastair/emacspeak/etc'
> cd lisp; make config
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/alastair/emacspeak/lisp'
> echo ";;;Auto generated" > emacspeak-loaddefs.el
> emacs -batch -q -no-site-file   -eval '(setq vc-handled-backends nil
> byte-compile-warnings t)'  -l ./emacspeak-load-path.el  \
> 	-l ./emacspeak-autoload.el  \
> 	-f emacspeak-auto-generate-autoloads
> End of file during parsing
> make[1]: *** [emacspeak-loaddefs.el] Error 255
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/alastair/emacspeak/lisp'
> make: *** [config] Error 2
> I haven't seen this before.  Is there a problem with the latest svn or
> has something changed on my system?
> Many thanks
> Alastair Irving
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