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Re: unicode editing

Thanks Robert, I'm working with the .emacs settings you posted, I
don't have the problem fixed yet.  I'm not using the start up script,
I have a line
exec emacs -q -l /home/john/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el -l
in a shell script and I invoke it after loging in.

Can you read multibyte characters with emacspeak and espeak?
For example, if you type m-x ucs-insert and enter the hex value 622,
does emacspeak read the character to you?

I had set default-enable-multibyte-characters to t.

On 10/15/09, Robert D. Crawford <robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> John Morgan <johnjosephmorgan@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> I recently upgraded my emacspeak to version 30 and I'm having problems
>> editing files containing characters encoded in multibyte utf8.  I use
>> espeak.  When I move over multibyte characters emacspeak is silent.
>> When I move to a line containing even one multibyte utf8 encoded
>> character I get no speech for the entire line.  I also can't remove
>> the offending characters in an emacs buffer.  I guess this means
>> problems with my emacs, but I only noticed the problem after upgrading
>> emacspeak.  I don't notice any problems with 7-bit encoded characters.
>>  Do I have to set a variable in my .emacs to enable editing multibyte
>> text?
> I'm not sure this will help, but what is the value of
> default-enable-multibyte-characters?
> Also, you don't mention how you start emacspeak, but it used to be that
> the emacspeak script, which some people used to start emacs and
> emacspeak, contained the environment variable EMACS_UNIBYTE=1.  This
> might not be the case anymore.  I've not upgraded in a while so I cannot
> be sure.
> Here are the other settings I have in my .emacs file that pertain to
> utf-8:
> (setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
> Set via Customize:
>  '(current-language-environment "UTF-8")
> Even if this does not fix the problem, perhaps it leads you in the right
> direction.
> rdc
> --
> Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Virtue is a relative term.
> 		-- Spock, "Friday's Child", stardate 3499.1
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John J Morgan

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