Thanks to Raman's efforts in releasing AsteR and making it run on a modern version of Clisp, I now have it installed, and I've tested it to the point at which it will read the test document included in the distribution. Here's what I've done so far. 1. Checked the code into a private Git repository. I like git - that's my only excuse. 2. Made trivial code changes so that the directory location and the serial device can be specified by environment variables - not fully tested yet. For anyone who is interested, you will currently need a DECTALK Express synthesizer, Emacs, and Clisp installed. I'll gladly help anyone who meets the above prerequisites and wants to get AsteR running. The next development project for AsteR would be to rework the speech code so that it supports an Emacspeak speech server. Also, the OpenTTS project (a fork of Speech-Dispatcher) apparently has a Common Lisp interface, which it may be possible to extend and use. OpenTTS is likely to become a significant generic interface to speech synthesizers under Linux and possibly other free operating systems. If this is to go ahead, the project will need a maintainer and people who have time to work on it. I'm volunteering to help, but I'm also well aware of my lack of appropriate background and qualifications. I have been reading a few books on Lisp programming which should certainly be beneficial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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