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Re: the emacspeak shell script was Re: Unable to make settings permanent

Chris Brannon <cmbrannon79@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The emacspeak script is distributed with emacspeak.  Over here, it is
> installed as /usr/bin/emacspeak.  It's not quite external.  I always
> thought that this was the recommended way to launch.  I'm surprised to
> hear otherwise.

It was added by the author of the Debian package, as I recall, and it isn't
part of Emacspeak. Starting Emacspeak from your emacs initialization files is
the better solution, in my opinion.

In fact, the Debian package is very out of date now, so I wouldn't recommend
it at all unless you want to be 3 major releases behind.

I run Emacspeak from a subdirectory of $HOME, after checking it out from T.V.
Raman's Subversion repository. Occasionally I run an svn update to keep it

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