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emacspeak-gnus and emacs 24

1: Backward compatibility with emacs 22 is not a major

2. Emacspeak in svn is pretty much built against emacs 24 out of
git --- and I try to keep support for emacs 23.

3. For this particular case:

A: s/*article*/gnus-article-buffer
B: ensure that gnus-article-buffer is added to relevant (declare
(special ...) forms
C: at the top of the file, add the following check:
(unless (symbolp 'gnus-article-buffer)
(defvar gnus-article-buffer "*article*"
"For bckward compatibility with earlier versions of gnus"))

4. I've not used gnus in a long time, so emacspeak-gnus.el needs
a maintainer -- I'll review patches and check them in if they're tested.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 9/7/10, Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've fixed the problem with emacspeak-gnus under emacs 24. The fix turned
> out
> to be fairly trivial. All references to "*Article*" need to be replaced
> witht
> the variable gnus-article-buffer.
> I've verified this variable is available in emacs 23. However, I don't know
> if
> it is available in emacs 22. I'd like to know if it is or not as this will
> impact on how I implement the patch to keep backwards compatibility.
> If anyone out there is stil running emacs 22 and uses gnuse, could you
> please
> let me know. To verify this, after running gnus, do a describe-variable on
> gnus-article-buffer.  Let me know what you find.
> Raman, I'm assuming you will continue to support emacs 22 in the next
> release.
> If this is not the case, could you let me know?
> thanks,
> Tim
> --
> Tim Cross
> tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
> There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they
> understand and those who do not understand what they manage.
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