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Re: Should we use the emacspeak speech back-end system-wide in Vinux?

D.J.J. Ring, Jr. napsal(a):
> speech-dispatcher used to be a wonderful program.  Now it seems that the
> development group is only concerned with having it work with ORCA. 

Hello, we hear that quite often lately, but it really is not the case.  The latest
development in desktop audio systems (read it pulse audio) forced us to make also some
changes in the process of launching and connecting to Speech Dispatcher.  We still care
about all other client applications and we are working towards making it as smooth as
possible.  The 0.7.1 version fixes some issues introduced by 0.7.  We hope to improve
that further.  Please join the Speech Dispatcher list if you are interesting in details
or if you want to contribute.

Best regards, Tomas

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