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State of Google client

Hello Zachary and list,

I too have failed to be able to post to Google's blogging service with
either emacspeak or orca/firefox, and would be very interested to hear
if anyone has found a solution.



Zachary Kline writes:
 > Hi all,
 > I've recently become interested in Google's blogging service, among other
 > things.  I was looking into the G-client interface and wondering how
 > exactly it could be used.  As far as I understand it, the interface it
 > provides is somewhat low-level, i.e. requiring you to know quite a bit
 > about the GData and blogging APIs to get much done.
 > So, I'm curious if anybody has done anything with this client?  I'm
 > trying to figure out how to post entries, along with editing and
 > deleting and the like.
 > Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
 > Best and thanks,
 > Zack.
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