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Re: speaking hyphen between words

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Cleverson Casarin Uliana <clever92000@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> This reminds me of a similar problem for which I haven't found any
> solution yet. Emacs keys are mispronounced, for example, "c-x" is
> spoken as "dash x" instead of "c dash x", whether I'm in the all or
> the some punctuation mode. So any suggestion would help me too.

I had not noticed that but now I see it too.   Also doesn't matter if
the speech rate is slowed to a crawl.

> I'm also Using emacspeak 32, emacs 23.2.1 and viavoice, in my case the
> Portuguese voice. I haven't tested it with ESpeak.

I still have not gotten espeak to work, but I've not been trying.


> Thanks
> Cleverson
> Em 22/10/2010 19:10, Robert D. Crawford escreveu:
>> If I've overlooked something, feel free to point it out to me.
>> Working my way through the new install and now I am getting to the
>> niggling things.  Previously, when speaking hyphenated words the words
>> were spoken as if there was no hyphen.  Now, not only is the dash spoken
>> but sometimes the first word or fragment is mispronounced.  For example,
>> re-engineer is pronounced reh dash engineer as opposed to ree engineer.
>> Is there a setting that has changed?  Is anyone else seeing this
>> behavior.
>> Using emacspeak 32.0 and GNU Emacs 23.2.1.
>> Thanks,
>> rdc

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

sillema sillema nika su

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Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

Iowa State -- the high school after high school!
		-- Crow T. Robot

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