Hi, I'm Derek Roberts, just started using emacs and emacspeak a few months ago. It was a bit hard at first getting software speech to work, but I've gotten most of it working great now. I found a git repository on github with rmoo, but it seems pretty unmaintained. It still uses old emacspeak-define-sound stuff. I was wondering if anyone has made a fix for it, to use the newer code? Would be cool to get this into the git repo. I've also noticed that, when I arrow over a foreign character (a acute for instance), it just says "nil". Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, Derek Roberts, kj4ufx. {.i doi .tcikoritys. mi cuxna ba'e do} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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