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Re: TEsting 123

Hello Derek,

Derek Roberts <bigd.vi.guy@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> This is only a test. Or is it?

I hear you.

> I tried sending an email to here a few days ago, but I never got any
> response - not even a list echo. So trying again.

If I am not mistaken, the list is configured such that you don't get your own messages back.

Concerning your message of a few days ago, I think you might be running
an older version of emacspeak.  One thing we need to know is the version
of emacspeak you are using, as there were changes to provide Unicode
support a while back.  What does emacspeak say if you execute

E-e V

btw, that is capital V.

Also, what version of emacs are you using?  It might also be helpful to
mention the synth as well.

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

Restaurant package, not for resale.

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