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Re: emacspeak 33.0

 "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote ...
>Thanks Tim,
>Should I remove the eci settings in the bash.bashrc file?

As usual, the answer is yes and no!

It all depends on individual setup and tastes. 

Traditionally, the .profile or .bash_profile file is used to configure
environment wide settings that do not change during a session, such as setting
exported environment variables. This file is usually sourced by a login shell
and therefore, all envrionment variables are inherited by all sub processes of
the login shell.

The .bashrc or .bash_bashrc file is used for setting things that need to be set
on a per process basis and for processes that are not run as a sub-process of a
login shell. An example of where this was used was in the old sh days when you
didn't have a built-in way to set the prompt so that it reflected the current
directory name. Back then, you would dynamically reset the prompt based on
shell commands such as cwd etc. As this needed to be done for each bash
process, you couldn't just do it in the .profile

In the old days of slower systems, this split of config files allowed for
increased efficiency. Rather than resetting everything every time a new bash
process was forked, you could break things up so that more static environment
variables were only set once at login via .profile or .bash_profile and things
that needed to be set every process were put in .bashrc or .bash_rc

Things have since become faster and slightly more complicated. With modern
windowing systems, it is common for terminal shells not to be login shells -
which means that .profile et. al. is not executed. Also, as things are faster,
there isn't a lot of difference from making the separation. The startup scripts
used by X are frequently not run as a login shell, so processes fired up from
the window manager may not have the environment settings created by .profile

So, the short answer is probably to not remove the entry in .bash.bashrc, but
rather ensure that it is pointing to the correct eci.ini file and don't bother
putting it in .profile or .bash_profile as it is best to have this set in just
one place to avoid confusing inconsistencies. This will fit in with what
appears to be your current setup. 

A good test would be to do an echo $ECIINI ini the shell before you run emacs
and see if it has the correct path. This could be difficult if you need spoken
feedback which you don't get until after starting emacs. Another thing to do is
ensure you have removed or renamed the eci.ini file that is in the
linux-outloud directory of the emacspeak distribution. This is an old version
and does not reflect the correct library paths for modern versions of the
ibmtts. This is especially an issue if you are using a non US language version
of the ibmtts. 



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