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Re: emacspeak-bmk-mgr vanished?

Hi Robert,

thanks, that is a very similar setup to what I have - I find it a bit more
'clunky' than bmk-mgr, especially with respect to managing large numbers of
bookmarks. I can customize it further and will be able to customize it to
better suit my needs, I just wanted to avoid having to do that right now. While
we can do almost anything with emacs, finding the time to write and maintain
custom extensions can be problematic. I also have to now convert my existing
bookmarks file to org format, which is straight-forward, but again, need to
find the time. 

For now, I've restored emacspeak-bmk-mgr as this will at least let me run
bmk-mgr and access my bookmarks. The rest will go into my growing org-mode todo


Robert D. Crawford writes:
 > "Tim Cross" <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
 > > I see that emacspeak-bmk-mgr has been moved to the obsolete directory. What are
 > > people using these days for managing web bookmarks? I looked at org-mode, but
 > > found it less useful/convenient 'out of the box' than bmk-mgr.
 > Not sure about others, save for Dr. Ramen (who uses org mode), but I use
 > org-mode like so:
 > (setq org-remember-templates
 >       '(("Bookmark" ?b "* %a %^g %!" "~/bookmarks.org" "Main")
 >         ("CoffeeTips" ?c "* %?%:subject \n\n %i" "~/coffee-tips.org")
 >         ("Tasks" ?t "* TODO %?\n  %u" "~/todo.org" "Tasks")
 >         ("Notes" ?n "* %u %?" "~/notes.org" "Notes")
 >         ))
 > (defun rdc-bookmark ()
 >   "shortcut for storing bookmarks with org-remember"
 >   (interactive)
 >   (org-remember nil "b")
 >   ;; we want to save the bookmarks file.  
 >   (org-save-all-org-buffers))
 > Which gives you a bookmark file that looks like this:
 > ** Page 1 Title                                 :tag1:tag2:tag3:
 > ** Page 2 Title                                 :tag1:tag2:tag3:
 > ** Page 3 Title                                 :tag1:tag2:tag3:
 > Then you use C-c C-o to open bookmarks and C-c \ to search for a tag.
 > I'm sure there are other commands to use but I've not needed them.
 > I'm actually the one who requested the feature allowing the w3 page
 > title to be passed.
 > HTH,
 > rdc
 > -- 
 > Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
 > I will always love the false image I had of you.
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Tim Cross
Information Technology 
University of New England
 Phone: +61 2 6773 3210
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   Fax: +61 2 6773 3424
E-Mail: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
   Web: http://www.une.edu.au/itd
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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