I saw Dr. Raman's blog entry about gmail here: http://emacspeak.blogspot.com/2007/08/emacspeak-and-gmail.html I edited the glogin.xml file and changed Dr. Raman's email to my own email and used emacspeak using C-e ? / glogin.xml to access that template. However when I enter my password and press the SUBMIT form button, I am taken to the google "my account" settings instead of the gmail folder. I read on the page referenced above: Emacs/W3 note: Note that signing in to GMail from the main GMail screen defeats W3. An easy work-around, and something that is more efficient anyway is to use the glogin.xml form found in Emacspeak --- use C-e ?/ in Emacspeak to pick that form. Once you're signed in to Google, you can: * Open your inbox * Perform searches to find the message you want I don't know what I must do after I use the glogin.xml form. Any help would be, of course, very helpful, I once again and lost when I get to the "ACCOUNT SETTINGS" page and don't even know how to go backwards to the glogin.xml form. I also don't understand why if I use M-x webjump google gmail RETURN and then click on the gmail link, it according to what I understand from the above, it defeats W3? I have changed the setting so that my browser in emacs is w3. Again, thanks in advance for any help. Best wishes, David ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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